Monday, April 09, 2012


After spending a little time at Bolivar Flats, we headed west to catch the ferry to Galveston. The port area didn't have any Ruddy Turnstones but it did have a few White Pelicans.

As our time was very limited, I decided to focus on Sportsman Road because it almost always has White Ibis and Tricolored Heron, two birds that we hadn't yet seen. Sure enough, we almost immediately came across White Ibis grazing by the roadside.

We had great views of a Reddish Egret, too.

A Red-breasted Merganser wasn't pleased to see us but was a nice addition to our list.

Then, just as I was starting to abandon hope, we were lucky and spotted a Tricolored Heron, looking splendid in its breeding colors.

We never got to see a Turnstone but a Greater Yellowlegs consoled us by putting on a bathing display.


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