Wednesday, April 18, 2012

High Island

We made a quick trip down to High Island to see if the recent bad weather had caused a fallout of migrating songbirds. We missed the best day - when 31 warbler species were seen! - but we still saw enough to keep us busy for several hours.

Early morning at Boy Scout Woods was dark and misty, as you can see from this shot of a Green Heron.


Gray Catbirds were everywhere. In spite of how many there were, the bad light meant I never got a photo of even one. An Inca Dove was easier to see and photograph.

Indigo Buntings were plentiful and one finally moved up into the light.

The stars of the show for Dee and myself were the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. These, too, were plentiful and they were too busy wolfing down mulberries to be disturbed by watchers and photographers. Most of the Grosbeaks we spotted were males but we saw a couple of females. One female was sharing a good tree with two males.

Here are just a few of the other photos I took of these beautiful birds.


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