Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Last Hoorah?

I spent a fruitless hour on Sunday morning looking for migrants at Kleb Woods. I enjoyed the walk, though!

After seeing no migrants at either W G Jones State Forest or Kleb Woods on the weekend, I resigned my self to the thought that spring songbird migration was finally over. So I was very surprised to find the CyFair nature trail busy with warblers on Monday morning.

Yellow Warblers seemed to be everywhere I looked.

There were lots of Chestnut-sided Warblers also.

Mixed in among the warblers were several Red-eyed Vireos.

As usual, there were some Eastern Wood-Pewees, too.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to ID a couple of Empidonax flycatchers that I spotted.

BTW, our resident male Northern Cardinals seemed rather put out by the arrival of the migrants. I guess they don't like having competition for the title of prettiest-bird-on-the -block.



  1. Your pictures never disappoint. Great job! - Barbara
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. You're being too kind this time, Barbara. But thank you!
