Monday, July 09, 2012

New Yard Bird

.I was watching Roger Federer winning his 7th Wimbledon title when Dee shouted for me to come out onto our backyard patio. "Bring the camera," she added.

I went out and she pointed to the dead tree in our neighbor's yard. "I think there's a Pileated on the tree."

Sure enough, a female Pileated Woodpecker was working her way up the trunk of the tree. That's a new bird for our yards and so I grabbed a couple of photos.

I was just about to go back to watching tennis when another bird flew into the dead tree. It was the female's partner, distinguished by the red patch on its cheek.

Ever since that tree became a snag, it's been a magnet for birds, and particularly for woodpeckers. I sure hope the neighbors don't cut it down any time soon!


  1. What a great tick for your yard list Jeff.

    I can recall spending a few hours in W.G.Jones State Forest searching for these woodies ... only to get a brief distant view.

  2. Yes, I was excited, Frank. I often see them in W G Jones and in Bear Creek Park but never this close.
