Saturday, July 21, 2012

On the Road Again

We're going to be away from home for the next week, on a trip to southwestern Utah. We're starting off with two days in/around Zion National Park and then spending four days in Cedar City.

I'm hoping that the time at Zion will produce two new life birds - California Condor and Northern Goshawk - as well as some new year birds, such as Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon.

Most of our time in Cedar City will be spent with family rather than on birding. However, I'm hoping to fit in a couple of short birding trips, including one to Cedar Breaks National Monument.  I should get to see some high altitude birds, such Gray Jay and Clark's Nutcracker.


With luck, I might even add a life bird - Three-toed Woodpecker. If not, I should surely get to see some Hairy Woodpeckers again.

July is peak wildflower time in the Cedar City area and so the scenery there should be even more beautiful than usual.

In My Absence

I'm not sure how often I'll have Internet access while I'm away and so it may be a fee days before I post again. In the meantime, I 'll leave you with a link to my favorite live birdcam, run by a guy called Dwayne in Marietta, GA. His feeders seem to attract a never-ending stream of birds: Red-headed and Downy Woodpeckers, White-breasted and Brown-headed Nuthatches, Lesser Goldfinch, Tufted Titmice, Eastern Towhee, Mountain Bluebird etc. etc. etc. I hope you enjoy watching Dwayne's birds as much as I do!

Watch live video from benyawd on

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