Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Scissor-tailed Flycatchers

.Scissor-tailed Flycatchers just have to be among the most elegant and spectacular of all the bird species that we see here in southeast Texas. I never tire of watching or taking photos of them.

However, they aren't quite as elegant if you catch them early in the morning, before they have finished getting ready for the day.

And, of course, they are much less spectacular when they're young and haven't yet grown those incredible tails.



  1. He does look a little rough. Great catch though. This one is still on my list to get.

  2. I see lots on the Katy Prairie, especially along Longenbaugh east of Katy-Hockley Cutoff. Also lots on the entrance road to Anahuac NWR.

  3. I see lots on the Katy Prairie, especially along Longenbaugh east of Katy-Hockley Cutoff. Also lots on the entrance road to Anahuac NWR.
