Friday, August 31, 2012

Katy Prairie Again

Last week I found time to make another quick trip out to Paul Rushing Chain-of-Lakes Park.

As on my previous visit, several Common Nighthawks were either lounging on fences or swooping around catching bugs.

The wetter areas had both White Ibis and the much darker White-faced Ibis.

The same areas had adult Little Blue Herons, while one of the boardwalks had a juvenile of the same species.

As I was leaving, I finally saw a new bird. It was one that I had been hoping to spot: Buff-breasted Sandpiper.

Now that things are calming down a little at work, I'm hoping to have more time for birding. It would be nice to have time to watch our yardbirds, too, as my wife tells me that we have lots and lots of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at our feeders.

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