Friday, August 17, 2012

Katy Prairie

On Saturday morning I drove out to spend a couple of hours birding the Katy Prairie, an area I haven't been to for a couple of months.

I spent most of the time walking around Paul Rushing Chain-of-Lakes Park. It was hot and the grassy areas were empty of birds except for Killdeer. However, the chain link fence had no fewer than three Common Nighthawks. What extraordinary-looking birds they are!


The wetter areas by the path had half-a-dozen young White Ibis and a couple of White-faced Ibis.

A Reddish Egret and a Great Blue Heron flew off as I approached but this Tricolored Heron stayed put.

Two adult Little Blue Herons were flying around.

There were also a few Greater Yellowlegs and a Pectoral Sandpiper, as well as more Killdeer.

The northeastern boardwalk was crowded with 100+ Cattle Egrets. The observation deck had more Cattle Egrets, a Great Blue Heron and both adult and juvenile Little Blue Herons.

When I walked along the park's southern boundary fence, I heard several Northern Bobwhites calling but couldn't see a single bird. A Hooded Warbler was exploring the trees but was too flighty for me to photograph. This Loggerhead Shrike was moving more slowly.

Just as I was driving out of the park, I had to pullover to grab a photo of a juvenile Green Heron sitting on utility wires.



  1. Lovely stuff Jeff - again a few species that I have seen in Venezuela.... Tricoloured Heron, Little Blue Heron, Cattle Egret

  2. Thanks,m Dave. You really should make it to Texas one of these days!
