Monday, September 24, 2012

Bolivar to Galveston

While I'm away in Denver, I may as well finish my report on our recent trip to the coast.

We took the ferry from Bolivar to Galveston, something we always enjoy.

As usual, the port was busy with Laughing Gulls and Double-crested Cormorants.

As soon as the boat started moving, we started seeing dolphins, too.

I was hoping to see a Magnificent Frigatebird or two, but I kept scanning the sky ahead to no avail.

Then Deanne told me to look off the stern of the ferry. I was amazed to see two Frigatebirds hanging out with the Laughing Gulls begging for scraps behind the boat.

I'd never seen Frigatebirds so close before. But better was still to come, because nine more of these wonderful birds appeared in the next few minutes. Wow!

Once we got to Galveston, we headed over to Lafitte's Cove, where we hoped to see migrating warblers.  

There were a few warblers around - Northern Parula, Yellow, Hooded and Black-and-White. I only managed to get a photo of the latter.

Half-a-dozen Baltimore Orioles were less skittish.

 The ponds at the Cove were busy with a range of wading birds,.

Our final sighting was of a Green Heron posing on the railing of the boardwalk. Not a bad way to finish end our trip to the coast!


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