Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bear Creek Park (3)

My drive out of Bear Creek Park took a little longer than expected because I had to stop to take photos of several raptors.

First up was a Cooper's Hawk perched high in a tree near the road.

Then I spotted a Merlin, a species I see only too rarely. As I got out of the car to take a photo, the bird flew off.

A few hundred yards further on, I noticed another Merlin in a tree set back from the road. I walked over to get a closer look and this bird was much more concerned with its grooming than with my presence.

Although I wasn't able to get a picture, there was yet another Merlin in the back of the same tree. So that was three Merlins I'd seen within a few minutes. That's certainly not something that happens to me every day!

1 comment:

  1. There's a Cooper's Hawk that lives and hunts around my yard. It's a wonderful bird to observe - not so easy to photograph usually. Your pictures are great.
