Friday, October 26, 2012

This Week at CyFair

The dawn sky over the CyFair campus is often worth a second look.

Our resident Great Blue Heron has taken to roosting on top of the trees near the entrance to the nature trail.

There is never any shortage of Northern Mockingbirds along the trail.

Non-residents were few and far between this week, except for a couple of Eastern Phoebes.

I didn't have my camera with me when a V-formation of Greater White-fronted Geese passed noisily overhead but I did grab a shot of a flock of 30 White-faced Ibis when they flew over.

We never used to see vultures at the campus but that has changed in the past three years. We now get regular visits from Turkey Vultures, their white-edged wings making them easy to ID.

More recently, we have been seeing more and more flyovers by Black Vultures, their white wing-tips usually showing well against the blue sky.

As I write this, a cold front has just arrived in our area. I'm hoping that it will bring in some new birds - and that I'll have time to go out to look for them!

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