Monday, November 05, 2012

Longenbaugh Road

The other day, after visiting Paul Rushing Park, I  drove back to work via Longenbaugh Road. I never tire of visiting Longenbaugh, because there is virtually always something worth seeing there. If all else fails, you are sure to see several Loggerhead Shrikes.

On this particular day, a flock of 100 or more Brown-headed Cowbirds was constantly moving from one side of the road to the other. One male stayed still lomg enough for me to get some photos.. 

In the winter Longenbaugh is one of the best spots for sparrow-watching in our area. It is still early for sparrows, though, and so I spotted only a solitary Savannah Sparrow.

As I've mentioned before in this blog, 1012 has turned out to be a great year for Scissor-tailed Flycatchers - and Longenbaugh has been a great place for watching them. The bird below may not be the most colorful Scissor-tailed I've seen lately but it certainly has the longest tail.


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