Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday Fotos

In my last posting I mentioned a couple of bird species that I've been finding hard to photograph this fall - Northern Harrier and House Wren. In fact, a third species has been giving me trouble, too - Eastern Meadowlarks.

Every time I venture out to the Katy Prairie I see Eastern Meadowlarks. Sometimes just a handful, sometimes scores. Many of them would be perched in bushes or on fence lines right by the road. However, until a week or so ago every Meadowlark I spotted would disappear as soon as I stopped the car to try for a photo. 

Then, at Warren Ranch Lake a Meadowlark on the ground let me take several more fairly close-up photos.

I finally was a little luckier when driving along Longenbaugh and one bird stayed long enough in a bush to let me take a couple of reasonably close shots.

BTW, at the same site I even managed to catch one of the birds in flight.

Not a great picture by any means but the first I've ever managed of a Meadowlark in flight. So I am making progress!

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