Thursday, December 13, 2012

More Yard Birds

As we're still a cold spell, our yards continue to be busy.

The most frequent visitors to our feeders are undoubtedly Carolina Chickadees. It is rare to look out of our living-room window for more than a few minutes without seeing one or two Chickadees flying in to grab a seed and then darting off into ther trees immediately behind our yard.

When we see House Sparrows in our yards, it's usually a flock of 20 House Sparrows that arrive in a rowdy bunch. In between these mass visits, though, an individual Sparrow - like the male below - will sometimes sneak in by itself to snack on some suet.

Every winter for 4-5 years now a solitary Ruby-crowned Kinglet has moved into our yards for several months. It's a bird that Dee and I both enjoy watching, even though we rarely get to see its ruby crown. Here it is on Tuesday.

We were luckier last year, when this same bird would often raise its crown as it approached our feeders.


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