Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy New Year

New Year's Day in Cypress was much like every day we spent in London over Christmas - cold, dark and wet. So I decided to restrict my birding to watching the feeders in our back yard from our living-room window.

Our first visitor of the year was our most loyal resident, a Northern Mockingbird.

Minutes later I was pleased to see that the Red-breasted Nuthatches that appeared last month were still around.

I was even more pleased to see that the male Rufous Hummingbird which also moved in last month was still here, too.

A third winter visitor, an Orange-crowned Warbler soon put in an appearance.

Then a pair of American Goldfinches turned up.


After that, the Warbler and the Nuthatch made frequent trips to our suet feeder, sometimes separately and sometimes together. 

As the morning progressed, our resident Carolina Chickadees commenced their regular runs to and from our seed feeder.

The biggest surprise of the day was the absence of our other resident birds - Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, White-winged Doves, Carolina Wrens, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers. However, I did get a brief glimpse of four House Sparrows later in the day.

My final sighting, when the light was too low for photography, was of a solitary Yellow-rumped Warbler.

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