Monday, January 28, 2013

Kleb Woods

Saturday morning I went up to Kleb Woods Nature Center to do some solitary birding - only to find that the Center was hosting a birdwalk for 20+ members of the Houston Audubon Society. As I don't really enjoy birding with lots of people, I spent a short while with the group. During this time I added a Blue-headed Vireo to my year list.

Then I indulged in one of my favorite winter birding activities - I spent 30 minutes siiting by the rosebush at the parking lot entrance and watching birds come to the seed that the Center's staff had scattered under the bush.

House Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows (below) were the most common visitors.

However, there was also a Lincoln's Sparrow.

Three Field Sparrows joined in.

It wasn't just sparrows that were attracted by the seed. Red-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees, American Goldfinch and Tufted Titmice (below) turned up, too.

My final sighting was of a Red-tailed Hawk that swooped low over the parking lot, causing panic among the birds around the rosebush.

Before going home, I drove over to Stone Lake because Canada Geese had been seen there several times this month. Sure enough, as soon as I reached the lake, I spotted 8 Canada Geese resting on the grass.

My day's birding didn't end when I arrived home, because the feeders in our yards were unbelievably busy with birds. But that's a story for another day!

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