Friday, February 08, 2013

Birding the Bay: Part 2

Although the lake in the Bay Street Park was empty of ducks, it did have two American White Pelicans, a Great Blue Heron, a Great Egret and ten Snowy Egrets. I enjoyed watching the latter running and jumping around, stirring up prey with their yellow feet.

The most common species at the duck pond was American Coot.

The ducks there included a solitary Lesser Scaup, a few Northern Shovelers (below) and several Gadwall (below).

The sky over the park was busy with Laughing Gulls and Brown Pelicans.

Dee and I were excited to see a male Vermilion Flycatcher hanging out near the parking area. We never fail to be impressed by these stunningly brightly colored birds!

A score of Savannah Sparrows (below) were grazing on the grass while eight Eurasian Collared-Doves (below) shared the trees with Great-tailed Grackles.

Judging by the noise coming from them, the reeds near the lake were full of Red-winged Blackbirds. We didn't see a single Blackbird, though, perhaps because a Red-shouldered Hawk was lunching at the edge of the reeds.  

Our picnic over, we drove up to San Jacinto State Park, where I once again spent 15 minutes vainly looking for the Harris's Hawks that have been wintering there. One of these days I'm actually going to see these birds!

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