Monday, April 01, 2013

A Weekend at the Coast

I haven't had time to sort through my photos from the weekend yet. So today I'm posting a quick, illustrated outline of the trip. I'll post more detailed reports later in the week.

We started with a short visit to Rollover Pass, where, as usual, there were thousands of shorebirds, terns and gulls. Unfortunately, most of the birds were on sandbanks well away from the beach. 

We were planning to revisit Rollover the following day, when we hoped conditions would be better. (And they were!)

Later on Friday we dropped in at Lafitte's Cove on Galveston. We had no luck with warblers but there were several species of ducks and shorebirds.

Saturday morning we went to High Island. Boy Scout Woods produced only a Hooded Warbler and a Louisiana Waterthrush but the Smith Oaks rookery was a hive of activity.

Anahuac NWR was quiet for birds. However, there were more alligators than we'd ever seen there before.

The ferry ride back to Galveston gave us good looks at several bird species, including American White Pelicans.

Sunday morning I paid another visit to Lafitte's Cove and this time I was a little luckier. As well as some warblers, I saw lots of Brown Thrashers.



  1. Good stuff Jeff, I see the Waterthrush is a lifer too

  2. Thanks, Dave. I was very pleased to see the Waterthrush because I don't often see new birds.
