Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Great Trip!

We just returned from a great trip to the Hill Country. 

We started off in Concan, where we wanted to see the Rio Frio bat colony, the second largest bat colony in the world. The spectacle was almost overwhelming.

On our way to the bat colony, we dropped in at Neal's Lodges. Unfortunately, the seed feeders were mainly empty and the only birds we saw were Lesser Goldfinch (below), Pine Siskin and Black-chinned and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

The following morning I fitted in a quick visit to Cook's Slough in Uvalde. The prickly pear cactuses were still partly in flower. 

Birds were in rather short supply but three Wood Ducks were a pleasant sight.

So, too, were the many Northern Rough-winged Swallows.

We then headed up to South Llano River State Park, a site we'd never visited before. The four bird blinds in the park were the best we'd ever seen and so we spent most of our time there in the blinds. It was wonderful being able to photograph a range of birds socializing, eating, drinking and bathing. 

Painted Buntings were everywhere!

One blind also had Indigo Buntings.

Lark and Black-throated Sparrows were numerous, as were Black-crested Titmice (below).

We were rather too late for most Warblers but we did see a Magnolia and a Wilson's. A couple of Yellow-breasted Chats popped in to bathe.

The park also had other wildlife, like this snake that was hanging out next to one of the blinds.

I'll post a full trip report in a couple of days, as soon as I've finished editing the many photos I took!


  1. Wonderful pictures. Particularly the buntings and the Yellow-breasted Chat. I haven't seen a chat yet this year.

  2. We get Indigo Buntings and Chats at the college but never Painted.
