Monday, May 13, 2013

Young and Hungry

Spring migration is more or less over now but the breeding season for our resident birds is in full swing.

Our Carolina Wrens were the first to produce chicks this year, followed by our Blue Jays. Now it is the turn of the House Finches. One male appears to be a single father, since he is constantly accompanied by four young birds, all of whom flap their wings and screech at him in hopes of being fed.

Feeling sorry for the male House Finch, we spread sunflower seeds across our back fence, so that the youngsters can feed themselves.

This strategy seems to be working, although the young birds sometimes get confused about who their parent is and start begging from each other.

Once they have picked up a sunflower seed, some of the youngsters find the task of shelling it overwhelming.

So they do the logical thing: They flap their wings and screech for dad!

Incidentally, our young Northern Mockingbird has already learned to be independent and he makes frequent unaccompanied trips to our suet feeders.


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