Monday, June 17, 2013

Carpenter's Bayou

My visit to the Sheldon Lake nature center wasn't very productive. So after 30 minutes there I went back to Carpenter's Bayou (on the north side of Garrett Road).

I was worried that most of the birds might have moved on, but they hadn't. There were dozens of Great Egrets and at least ten Great Blue Herons.

There were several White Ibis grazing in the shallow water.

There were Little Blue and Tricolored Herons also.

Four Roseate Spoonbills were present. 

However, the Spoonbills disappeared when I approached the side of the bridge.

I was delighted to see a solitary Wood Stork, a nice addition to my year list. Unfortunately, it was perched quite a distance away.

So I was pleased when it decided to fly off, giving me rather better looks. 

My final birds at the bayou were some Black-bellied Whistling Ducks that flew overhead, whistling loudly as they went.


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