Saturday, June 08, 2013

CyFair Campus

Overall it is still quiet for birds on the CyFair campus.

That is, it is quiet excluding Northern Mockingbirds. They are busy -and typically noisy - all over the campus.

Our Purple Martin house is a hive of activity, too, and the sky above it is usually filled with the cries of the 20+ Martins that occupy the house.

The retention ponds are surprisingly empty of birds. I walked down to them on Thursday expecting to find at least a Great Egret and a Green Heron, but all I found was a solitary Black-bellied Whistling Duck.

Meanwhile the Western Kingbirds in the parking lot are fussing over their nest. The male is never far away.

The female spends a lot of her time on the nest, where she can be hard to see.

Occasionally, though, she leaves the nest and perches nearby to do a spot of grooming.

I don't expect to spend much time birding over the weekend. However, I am going to check on the Bald Eagles that are nesting a mile from our house. I also hope to pay a quick visit to Crosby, where I hear there are some nesting Swallow-tailed Kites.


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