Friday, June 14, 2013

Still here!

Last winter was a good one in our area for Red-breasted Nuthatches. As happens every few years, large numbers of these birds appeared in late October and stayed until May.

While I was pleased to see Red-breasted Nuthatches in our yards for several months, I was even more pleased when several Brown-headed Nuthatches turned up in early January. This was a new species for our yard, even though it is resident in Kleb Woods, just a few miles northwest of our house.

From January through April at least four Brown-headed Nuthatches spent parts of every day at our feeders. Then they disappeared and I assumed they had moved on.

But not so! I started seeing the occasional individual again in mid-May, usually at our peanut feeder.

Now here we are in June and at least two Brown-headed Nuthatches are still visiting our feeders.

I'm starting to think they may be nesting in our neighborhood. I certainly hope so because they really are delightful little birds.

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