Sunday, June 02, 2013

This Week at CyFair

Now that migration is over, we've entered our quiet summer period on the CyFair campus. There are still some interesting birds around, of course. Common Nighthawks are swooping over the parking lots and at least one Green Heron is fishing the retention ponds. Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (below) are perching on lampposts, buildings and fences, although I haven't seen any on the ponds yet this year. 

On my only walk down to the nature trail, I came across a Turkey Vulture with a damaged wing. It scampered away when I approached but it clearly was not able to fly and so I don't expect it will survive very long.

As is to be expected, many birds are busy raising their young, like a Northern Mockingbird that was watching over its offspring on a parking lot gate.

Also in the parking lots I noticed what I thought was an adult Mourning Dove nuzzling up to its offspring.

As I watched, though, it soon became clear that what I was watching was an adult male with an adult female!

Nearby a Great-tailed Grackle was investigating a fast food wrapper.

The Western Kingbirds that come to the parking lots every year have been busy also. But I'll comment on them in my next post.

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