Monday, June 24, 2013

Young Birds

All of our normal resident birds are visiting our feeders regularly. This includes the Brown-headed Nuthatches, which I have decided have now been here long enough to be classed as "residents". I haven't seen any evidence that the Nuthatches are breeding but this certainly isn't the case with our other yardbirds.

First to produce young this year were our Carolina Wrens, closely followed by our House Finches and House Sparrows. Then an immature Red-bellied Woodpecker made an appearance.

I don't normally notice whether our White-winged Doves are breeding. However, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that an adult was being begged from by what appeared to be a young bird.

Recently immature Northern Cardinals have started turning up at out feeders, too. One adult male seems to have assumed responsibility for bringing a youngster to our feeders. Any resemblance between the very dapper father and his offspring is not yet apparent!


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