Friday, July 26, 2013

Nevada and Utah Trip: Salt Lake City

After our days in and around Cedar City we went to Salt Lake City for the weekend. Most of our time there was spent visiting with friends but I did see a few birds, like this Black-billed Magpie.

Monday morning I was up and out early, wanting to drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon to do some birding around Brighton and Silver Lake.

The drive up and down the canyon is notable for scenic views.

Outside the Visitor Center there was a large sign warning about the presence of moose and what to do if you encounter one. I'd always wanted to see moose but I'd never managed it - and I didn't expect to see any on this trip either. Deer are a different matter, though, and this one was waiting for me on the lakeside trail.

It is always a delight to walk the trail around the lake.

My main target bird for the day was Steller's Jay and I was lucky enough to spot several beside the Visitor Center.

It took a while before I could get a photo that showed this species' plumage.

There were other birds around, of course. American Robins were everywhere.

White-crowned Sparrows were plentiful, too.

This young White-crowned seemed to think he was invisible and so I was able to get a close-up shot.

A female Brewer's Blackbird was another bird that let me get a close-up.

So I'd spent a pleasant hour in Brighton, even though I hadn't seen anything very exciting. I headed back to my car to start the drive down to Salt Lake City. Then suddenly a deer galloped across in front of me. Except it wasn't a deer. It was a moose. Yes!

So I can finally cross "moose" off my list of American animals I'd like to see. Now I just have to find some way to see a wolf, a bear and a mountain lion.

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