Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hummingbirds at Kleb Woods

On Sunday morning I went up to Kleb Woods, meaning to do a search for new birds for my 2013 Harris County list. However, I didn't get around to looking for new birds because I got sidetracked by the many migrating Ruby-throated Hummingbirds that were present.

The staff had put up feeders in many different places and they all seemed to be catering to lots of hummers. 

I ended up spending most of my time by the side of the visitor center building, where a row of feeders was attracting a dozen or more hummers at any one time.


Hummingbird Festival

If you live in the Houston area, you may want to head over to Kleb on Saturday, when the center will be holding its annual Hummingbird Festival from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. You're sure to get great looks at scores of hummers, as well as having an opportunity to watch as some of the birds are captured and banded. There will be other bird-related activities, too, including a chance to get close-up looks at several owls between 10:00 am and 1:30 pm. Kleb Woods Nature Center is at 20303 Draper Road, just off Mueschke Road in Tomball.


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