Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Injured Hummingbird

While I was at work on Monday, I got a call from a colleague telling me that he and his daughter had found an injured hummingbird. I went over to where they were and saw they had a juvenile Ruby-throated Hummingbird with a damaged wing. I initially advised them to leave it on the ground. However, back in my office I checked and found that there is a wildlife center in Houston that can handle injured birds. So I picked up the bird and took it home.

Deanne and I kept it alive until the following day by persuading it to drink sugar water via a flower from our red firespike plant.

It wasn't long before the bird had recovered sufficiently to start actively demanding more sugar water.

Every now and then it would get a little confused and would try to drink from Deanne's red-painted nails.

Yesterday we were able to drop the bird off at the Wildlife Center of Texas, where licensed rehabilitators will take care of it. 

As we entered the Wildlife Center, we were met by a Red-tailed Hawk, which greets all visitors.

We were also checked out by an Eastern Screech Owl, which lives at the reception desk.

In case you live in our area and ever come across an injured native bird or other animal, here are contact details for the Wildlife Center of Texas:
7007 Katy Rd., Houston, TX 77024       Tel: 713-861-9453

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