Friday, November 01, 2013

Baytown Nature Center

Baytown Nature Center was fairly quiet for birds, perhaps because there was a stiff breeze. We weren't complaining, though, because the breeze kept the mosquitoes at bay.

The Yellow-crowned Night Herons that had been everywhere on my previous visit were replaced on this visit by White Ibis.

Several Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets (below) took offence at our approach.

This Snowy Egret was less bothered by our presence.

The wind was making grooming difficult for an Osprey perched near the gazebo.

Close by, a Belted Kingfisher was getting blown around as it perched on a snag.

A walk around the site turned up surprisingly few birds but two butterflies, a rather worn Monarch and a Common Buckeye. 

As we were leaving, we stopped to admire a Brown Pelican fishing.

Our final sighting was of a Forster's Tern wheeling and diving again and again.


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