Monday, November 11, 2013

Birding at Work

One reason why I like working at LSC-CyFair is that I often get to see birds there, which makes going to work more enjoyable than it might otherwise be. Although the past few months have been unusually quiet on the campus, it seems I still see several birds every working day. For example, when I reached the campus on Friday morning, two Great Egrets were standing on light standards in the parking lots.

As I drove in this morning, I spotted an Eastern Phoebe fly-catching from the top of a tree.

A couple of minutes later, I came across the Osprey that has been hanging about on or near the campus for a year. I was lucky enough to get to watch it carrying out its morning grooming routine.

I can certainly think of many worse ways to start off a working day than by watching an Osprey!


  1. Wonderful Osprey pictures. What a treat to have one for close up observation at your workplace.

  2. Wonderful Osprey pictures. What a treat to have one for close up observation at your workplace.

  3. Wowzer, what a series Jeff, love it.

    Question: Have you though of hooking up with Stewarts WBW (Wild bird Wednesday)?

    I post on it every week, lots of good people meeting up to share bird posts every Wednesday.


  4. Thank you, Birdwoman.
    I'll check that out, Dave.
