Friday, December 13, 2013

Valley Trip 5: Bentsen Rio

After the large number of birds we saw at Estero llano, Bentsen Rio State Park was rather an anti-climax. However, we got some good views of birds that we had already seen, such as Green Jays, Great Kiskadees (below), Golden-fronted Woodpeckers (below), Orange-crowned Warblers and White-tipped Doves (below).

We saw several Eastern Phoebes.

Even better, we saw a couple of Black Phoebes, a bird we both used to love watching in California.

And, last but not least, we finally got a good look at an Altamira Oriole.

Here as at the other Valley sites, I had expected to see lots of Red-winged Blackbirds but only a single female appeared.

Well, that's almost the end of my report on our trip. I'll finish it up on Sunday with some photos from Edinburg Wetland Center, a site I paid several quick visits to while we were in the Valley.

1 comment:

  1. Bentsen is a wonderful place. My favorite bird that I saw there was the wonderful Altamira Oriole, but there was a lot of competition for that title.
