Sunday, January 19, 2014

Permanent Residents

In my last post I focused on the winter residents in our yards. While doing so, I forgot to mention one visiting species: Chipping Sparrow.

Every winter we often have up to a dozen of these cute little sparrows in our yards. Surprisingly, they frequently turn up at the same time as the much larger House Sparrows.

The two or three Tufted Titmice that appeared last year seem to have become permanent residents - and very welcome they are, too.

Our one-footed male Northern Cardinal continues to thrive. He's one of half-a-dozen Cardinals that regularly visit our feeders.

Other permanent residents include White-winged Doves, Carolina Wrens, Carolina Chickadees, Northern Mockingbirds (below), a pair of Downy Woodpeckers (male below) and a female Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Dee and I were excited when a pair of Eastern Bluebirds checked out our only birdhouse at Christmas.

Unfortunately, the Bluebirds must have decided the accommodation was sub-standard because they have never returned.


  1. Jeff, some seriously good images here and of course some wonderful birds too.

  2. Lovely photos of some of my favorite backyard birds.

  3. More exceptionally beautiful photos! Your blog makes me wish I knew more about the abundant variety of birds we have here by the Big Thicket.

    I do hope you'll consider doing the A-Z Blog Challenge with me this April! I think it would be wonderful if you did a particular species of bird for each letter of the alphebet with pictures and facts. Educated us. ;o)

  4. I sometimes focus too much on less common birds and forget how beautiful yardbirds are in our area.

  5. I'm not sure about the A-Z Challenge, Barbara. I'll think about it!
