Wednesday, February 05, 2014

1,000 Posts

I was hoping that for this, my 1000th post, I would be able to share photos of some of the hummingbirds and other birds that I saw over the weekend. Unfortunately, the weather and lighting were too bad for me to get any usable pictures.

So I'll have to make do with a few photos from a brief visit I paid last week to Paul Rushing Chain-of-Lakes Park. 

The park was busy with a range of ducks, including Northern Shovelers, Ruddy Ducks and Gadwalls. There were also many American Wigeons, easily recognized by the white stripe down the front of their face.

I was pleased to notice that the lakes also had several groups of Northern Pintail, which I personally feel is the most beautiful of all ducks. 

I was hoping for shorebirds but the only ones I spotted were a couple of Wilson's Snipes and a Greater Yellowlegs. Or is it a Lesser Yellowlegs? I find it hard to distinguish between the two species.

Larger wading birds were also scarce. Apart from a Great Blue Heron, I saw only a few Great Egrets. 

This one seemed to like hanging out with the group of domestic and exotic ducks that are permanent residents of the park.

On my way out I stopped to admire male Great-tailed Grackles as they practiced their mating calls and displays.

My final sighting was of a Crested Caracara perched on a utility pole. I am still amazed at how common these birds are on the Katy Prairie, and at how much they have expanded there range in the eleven years that I've been in Texas.

I hope they continue to thrive and to expand north and east, so that more people can get to see these wonderful birds. 


  1. Wonderful Caracara picture!

  2. Happy 1000! I have to agree with you about the expanding Cara Cara range... I never saw them while growing up in the San Antonio area... but now I see them all the time! Beautiful. Cheers.
