Sunday, March 23, 2014

Eagles and Pelicans

Last Saturday morning I went over to see how the nesting Bald Eagles were doing at the Longwood detention pond.

I was greeted by a pair of Loggerhead Shrikes, a bird I can never resist photographing.

As I was watching the Shrikes, one of the Bald Eagles flew in from the west and headed towards the nest. 

By the time I reached the other side of the pond, both adult Eagles were perched in a tree far from their nest. They then disappeared off to the south.

With no Eagles to watch, I turned my attention to a large group of American White Pelicans, who were doing their morning grooming.

Straightening our feathers can't be easy when you have such an enormous bill.

From time to time another Pelican would float in from a different part of the pond. 

It would stand in the shallow water and work at its wing feathers.

Then it would settle all the feathers into place with a good flap of its wings.

It was fun watching how other Pelicans would fly in to join the group. 

There weren't as many wading or water birds as usual at the pond, just a couple of Killdeer, a Wilson's Snipe and the resident Snowy Egret (below).

Then, apparently out of nowhere, a pair of Green-winged Teal popped up.

I was halfway back to my car when I noticed that one of the Eagles had returned to the trees by the pond. 

Then the other adult flew in and landed on the nest. I didn't have time to walk back for a better view, so I grabbed a quick photo from where I was. The photo isn't clear but you can make out the adult and a nestling. I suspect that there is a second nestling but only time will tell.  



  1. I have found myself jotting down what birds you found where and adding those places to my list of sites to visit. Have you considered linking your posts to Wild Bird Wednesday or any of the other linkups? I think other bird bloggers around the world would enjoy seeing your photos.

  2. I get quite a lot of visitors anyway, Jen.
    You might want to visit the Bald Eagle nest now that the chicks are about to fledge. The comments in my March 26 post have directions.
