Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bits & Pieces


The recent rain didn't bring the hoped-for arrival of migrants at the CyFair campus but a few birds did show up after the cold front that came through Wednesday night.

A female Blackburnian Warbler was impossible to photograph and several Summer Tanagers (below) were almost as elusive.

One of three Eastern Kingbirds stayed in view longer.

I occasionally catch glimpses of several Yellow-crowned Night Herons which spend several months on the campus. However, today was the first time I've seen one out in the open here.


All our resident birds seem to be busy at present. Some days our backyard is packed with House Sparrows and White-winged Doves (below).

Our Carolina Wrens are more welcome visitors.

At present they're rearing two young.

There are other babies around. Our Downy Woodpeckers have one or maybe two, as do our Tufted Titmice and Carolina Chickadees. Our male Red-bellied Woodpecker (below) is now a proud parent also.


I'm taking a day's vacation so that we can do a weekend trip up to Junction, Texas, so we can visit South Llano River State Park. We had a great time birding the park in May last year and we're hoping we'll be equally lucky this year. All being well, I'll start posting a trip report on Monday.

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