Monday, September 08, 2014

Down to the Coast (2)

Rollover Pass on Bolivar can be a great birding site or a poor one, depending on the state of the tide and the number of anglers present there. When we went on the Labor Day weekend, the tide was high and the site was crowded with fishermen. In spite of this, we saw quite a few birds out in the water, along the beach and even in the parking area.

The water had a few large waders (Snowy Egrets and a Tricolored Heron) as well as several groups of Brown Pelicans. The latter species usually fishes by diving into the sea from a height but these birds were adopting a different approach. They would float on the water and then suddenly fly just a few yards before settling back down onto the water and grabbing fish.

Two Marbled Godwits turned up and began to groom as we were watching.

The edge of the beach had adult and young Laughing Gulls.

There were Semipalmated Plovers (with black neck band) and Sanderlings also.

There were some adult and young Wilson's Plovers, distinguished from the Leasts by their heavy bills.

A handsome American Oystercatcher was prowling along the water's edge, while a Willet wandered nearby.

There were Royal and Least Terns, too.

One of the Leasts decided to bathe and groom.

The parking area itself had several of the same birds but also had a couple of Ruddy Turnstones.

The puddles had Snowy Egrets.

As we prepared to leave, I mentioned to Dee that I was disappointed not to have seen a Reddish Egret, a bird missing from my 2014 list. Amazingly, right then one flew down into one of the puddles among the parked vehicles.

It even proceeded to groom just yards from our car.

It was certainly a very good note on which to end our short visit to Rollover.


  1. Love it all! I'm a huge fan of your photos and stories... keep it up! :)
