Saturday, November 29, 2014

When Even a Bad Photo Is Good


I took the photos below at Baytown on Sunday. As you can see, they aren't very good to say the least. So why did I bother keeping rather than deleting them?

The reason is simple. The photos show a Common Ground Dove, a bird that is fairly rare in Harris County. As soon as I spotted this bird, I grabbed these photos, taken with my Canon SX50's lens set to its maximum length. They aren't very clear but they are clear enough to show some of the bird's distinctive features - its rosy breast, the red base of its bill, and the scaly plumage on its upper chest and head. 

After this, I waited around for 15 minutes in hopes that the bird would move closer and enable me to get a good photo. However, instead of moving to a better position, the bird gradually moved further and further back into the foliage.

So these photos may not be good but they are the only ones I managed to get - and at least they prove that the bird I saw really was a Common Ground Dove.

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