Sunday, January 25, 2015

San Jacinto Monument Park

Sunday morning we decided to take advantage of the long-wished-for good weather and so headed over to the San Jacinto Monument, where I was hoping to add some birds to my 2015 Harris County list.

There were plenty of birds around but most of them were either too distant or too skittish for me to get photos.

The most cooperative were Turkey and Black Vultures, which were mainly clustered around an area where the park staff dump the carcasses of dead animals.

Several Black Vultures were showing off their wings.

Then one of the Turkey Vultures put them in their place by displaying its magnificent wings.

I was pleased to see a small flock of Roseate Spoonbills fly into view. However, only one of them came anything like near enough for my camera to handle.

Before leaving, I looked around the area at the head of the reflection pool, hoping to see the female Vermilion Flycatcher that has been hanging out there for weeks. It wasn't long before she turned up and posed for pictures.

Although the visit didn't produce many photos, it turned up some interesting birds and added ten species to my year list.