Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Still Birdy in our Yards

Last weekend we continued to have lots of birds feeding in our yards.

American Goldfinch numbers were up to a dozen or more each day.

Chipping Sparrows were very visible, too. Ten or so kept flying in check out our feeders or the ground beneath them.

We'd seen two different male House Finches so far this year but then we finally had a visit from a female.

Yellow-rumped Warblers come to our backyard to drink from the birdbath. One of them flew into the window. Obviously dazed, it sat in the tree above our shed for ages with its eyes almost completely closed.

Eventually, though, it seemed to recover.

We only have one Northern Mockingbird visiting at present and, unfortunately, it doesn't look at all well. It has what look like avian pox growths around both eyes.

As the growths haven't grown over its eyes, I',m hoping the bird will survive. I'm also hoping it doesn't pass the pox on to our other birds. I believe that House Finches are particularly susceptible to the avian pox.

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