Monday, March 09, 2015

Our Current Residents

It has been fairly busy in our yards, although much of the activity has centered around a large flock of House Sparrows that visits our backyard at least twice a day every day.

However, some other year-round residents have been showing up, too. White-winged Doves can be a pest when they show up in droves. Luckily, so far this year we seem to be getting only a few at a time.

Among the most frequent visitors to our feeders are Carolina Chickadees.

After months of only rare visits, both Blue Jays and Northern Cardinals have finally started to turn up regularly. I never seem to have a camera handy when the Blue Jays arrive but I have managed a few shots of our pair of Cardinals.

Our art deco feeder keeps on attracting birds. For better or worse, it also appeals to our squirrels.

Birding Trip
By the time you read this, we should be watching some very different birds, because we're going to be spending part of next week in the Rio Grande Valley. The weather forecast for that area isn't very good but I'm sure we'll still enjoy the trip and get to see some great birds.



  1. Enjoyed these pics very much! Good luck at the Rio Grande and safe journey.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. I visited the valley this weekend and got a few lifers. Hope you managed to dodge most of the rain. Looking forward to your posts. We went to Laguna Atascosa, Santa Ana, and Estero Llano Grande. REALLY loved the $4 tour at Laguna Atascosa which yielded around 55 species on a bad birding day.
