Friday, April 17, 2015

Coastal Trip 5: Galveston

The ferry ride from Bolivar to Galveston was fun, as always. I kept looking for Magnificent Frigatebirds but saw nothing except Brown (and White) Pelicans and Laughing Gulls.

Well, that's not quite true. There were Great-tailed Grackles, too, including some males displaying.

Sporstmen's Road was much quieter for wading birds than usual. Apart from Willets, the only wader we saw was this Reddish Egret.

The jetties back from the road had lots of Dowitchers and Ruddy Turnstones, all too far away to photograph. An Osprey came a little closer as it flew across the road, carrying its lunch.

The ponds and wetland areas at Lafitte's Cove were extremely quiet. The drips were a little busier, although warblers were noticeably absent. Orchard Orioles, a Blue-headed Vireo and a Scarlet Tanager were lurking near one drip. A Blue Grosbeak was lurking in the trees also.

I missed a quick visit to the drip by a Northern Parula but got a snap of a Summer Tanager.

As the birding was fairly slow, we decided to head home. However, all being well, we'll do the Anahuac - High Island - Bolivar - Galveston loop again on April 18-19.

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