Friday, May 08, 2015

Baytown Nature Center

If Spoonbills and Ibis were the most obvious birds at Baytown on Sunday, they certainly weren't the only ones there, although they were among the easiest to photograph.

My first-of-year Black-crowned Night Heron absolutely refused to come out of the shadows or to let me approach it.

Only one of several Yellow-crowned Night Herons was more obliging.

I did just a little better with the first Tricolored Heron that I spotted.

However, a second one let me watch it fishing.

Great and Snowy Egrets were everywhere. Some Snowy Egrets were competing with each other for food.

Others had found their own patches.

Although ducks were generally scarce, there were a few Blue-winged Teal.

There were several Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, too.

Shorebirds were much less abundant than I had hoped, with the most common being Least Sandpipers.

I was surprised to see only a single Black-necked Stilt, a bird I always enjoy watching.

I was pleased to see my first White-rumped Sandpiper of 2015.

My final birds were also first-of-year ones: Baird's Sandpipers.

So, as usual, Baytown had produced a nice variety of birds and some good photo opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. Always great photos! I don't find water foul as pretty as other birds. I think it is the long thin necks. But I actually admired a couple of these guys.
    Stopping in from Life & Faith in Caneyhead
