Sunday, August 16, 2015

Brazoria Again

When I returned to Brazoria on Saturday afternoon, the ponds were still busy with Great and Snowy Egrets and White Ibis.

It wasn't long, though, before I spotted the bird I was hoping for: a Wood Stork.

Unfortunately, I saw only one Stork and it never came close enough for really good photos. Also, there was no sign of the other species I was looking for, Black Skimmer. So I would have to return early the next day.

Sunday morning the visitor center pond was deserted except for an alligator.

Out at Olney Pond the islands were hosting Great Egrets.

Further back, Roseate Spoonbills added a nice touch of color to the bird scene.

However, the younger Spoonbills were as white as the White Ibis.

As I was watching the Spoonbills, a Black Skimmer flew by holding a fish.

I settled down to wait until the Skimmer started fishing the water on my side of the pond. It took a while but the bird eventually got nearer.

Getting really sharp photos of a fast-moving bird isn't possible with my camera equipment but I managed a few reasonably clear images. 

After that, I turned my attention to herons. Only one Great Blue came close enough for a photo.

The roadside ditch held both Green and Tricolored Herons. I never managed t6o get a shot of the Green but one of the Tricoloreds was more cooperative.

There were several more Tricolored Herons out on Olney Pond.

However, the Tricoloreds were greatly outnumbered by Yellow-crowned Night Herons. I counted over 60 of these birds in one area alone. Some were adults or close to adults.

Most, though, were younger birds.

Many of the younger birds were standing with their wings partly open and facing the sun.  

By now it was time for me to go back to the motel to pick up Dee. Our plan was to drive over to Quintana to look for shorebirds and then to head to Galveston for lunch.

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