Monday, November 23, 2015

Last Week

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker that turned up a while ago is still busy working on the tree in our neighbor's front yard.

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a sporadic visitor to our feeders.

An Orange-crowned Warbler is a much more frequent visitor and comes to the suet constantly throughout the day.

Our year-round residents visit the feeders frequently, too. I rarely see our male Downy Woodpecker but the female is often on our new suet feeder.

It is almost impossible to watch our backyard feeders for five minutes without seeing some of our Carolina Chickadees and Carolina Wrens (below).

Northern Cardinals tend to come to feed very early and very late each day.


We have an awful lot of squirrels at present. As soon as we put birdfood on the fence or on any accessible feeder, squirrels turn up. As you can see, they feel quite at home in our yards.

CyFair Campus

Many winter species have now arrived on the CyFair campus, including Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows, Pine Warblers, Yellow-rumped Warblers and American Goldfinch.

Our many resident Northern Mockingbirds are visible - and audible - wherever you walk on the campus and our Great Egret (below) is usually not difficult to spot.

Our Red-tailed Hawks are not difficult to spot either. 

Among the brds that appear sporadically are American Robins and Eastern Phoebes (below).

On Sunday I had a very productive visit to Baytown Nature Center, followed by a good hour's birding at a new site on the east side of Houston. I'll post about these later this week.

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