Monday, December 07, 2015

Medical Center Birding

Our doctor's office is in the North Cypress Medical Center complex at Huffmeister and 290. As luck would have it, behind the buildings there are two beautifully landscaped ponds, which attract quite a variety of birds. Since the birds are used to people, they are much less skittish than they would be in a less urban environment.

We were at the center on Friday and it was a good opportunity for me to try out the new camera that is my Christmas present this year, a Nikon D3200 with a 55-300mm lens.

A Great Blue Heron posed nicely.

A Great Egret was less cooperated but eventually allowed a couple of photos.


While the ponds are stocked with numerous exotic ducks and geese, they also attract lots of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. 

Six ducks lined up neatly in a row. Then, of course, one just had to turn to spoil the photo.

American Coots are often present in or around the ponds.

There are usually a couple of Neotropic Cormorants also. On this visit there were half-a-dozen. I always enjoy watching them as they dry their wings.

I was surprised to see that they were catching lots of fish.

Their necks look quite odd as they swallow their catch.

We were there in the morning, when the light produces some rather nice reflections on the water.


The new camera and lens combo seems to work well, although it's going to take me a while to learn how to use it really effectively. However, as the holiday season is approaching, I should have more time for birding and to practice my photography fairly soon.

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