Thursday, February 25, 2016

Last Week on the Prairie

As well as some early morning trips in search of Sandhill Cranes, I also managed a very quick lunchtime trip on the Katy Prairie last week. 

Midday is hardly the best time for birds but there were a few around. This Eastern Meadowlark was nice enough to pose for a couple of photos.

So, too, was this Eurasian Collared Dove, although I wished it had chosen a more photogenic perch.

A Loggerhead Shrike struck a watchful pose for me.

This Crested Caracara stayed just long enough for me to grab a quick shot.

A large flock of Cedar Waxwings was in trees on Sharp Road.

Most of the birds were just hanging out.

However, a few were busy eating breakfast.

So while my brief trip didn't turn up anything special, I did get to see some beautiful birds.

A Weekend Away
So far this year what little birding I have done has been restricted to Harris County but now it's time to go (a little) further afield. On Saturday we're heading out for a weekend trip to Anahuac, High Island, Bolivar and Galveston. With any luck, I'll get in several hours of birding and will see a good range of species. I may even get to see the now-famous Burrowing Owl at Anahuac NWR!

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