Monday, April 11, 2016

Birding the CyFair Campus

April is my final month working at Lone Star CyFair and I'm hoping to see some spring migrants here before I leave. I haven't had too much luck so far, though.

There are plenty of our common residents around, including innumerable Northern Mockingbirds.

This one gave me a very hard look as I was photographing it!

Our Purple Martin gourds are pretty much fully occupied now.

A Double-crested Cormorant occasionally pops in to see what the fish situation is like in our ornamental pond.

The nature trail - now much reduced by ongoing constriction work - has had plenty of resident birds, including N Cardinals and Blue Jays, but until Friday the only migrants I had seen were Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.

The two small wetland areas on the nature trail both have water and so I've been checking them for migrating Waterthrush. On Friday I finally got lucky when I spotted a Louisiana Waterthrush by the water's edge.


Surprisingly, it was part of a group of birds that also comprised two Northern Cardinals, a Blue Jay, three Great-tailed Grackle, three White-throated Sparrows and a Swamp Sparrow (below). 

Mixed flocks of birds are common but this seemed like a very odd mix of species. 

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