Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Looking for Migrants (3)

Saturday morning we got to Boy Scout Woods in time for the morning birdwalk. Unfortunately, it was extremely quiet for birds. This Rose-breasted Grosbeak near the guides' house was the only migrant that we spotted.

We decided to check out the Smith Oaks rookery before heading home via Galveston.

The rookery was crowded with nesting Great Egrets. Most were standing guard over chicks.

A few were taking advantage of a quiet spell to do some preening.

One seemed to be having a difficult time with three boisterous chicks and had to administer a little discipline.

Elsewhere, some chicks were already large enough to be left unattended while their parents were off foraging.

A few Great Egrets appeared to be running late with this year's breeding and were still collecting nesting material.

The number of Roseate Spoonbills had grown since our previous visit and there were now many sitting on nests.

The number of Snowy Egrets had also increased a lot and most of those present were displaying in their beautiful breeding plumage.

The water between the observation decks and the rookery had a handful of American Coots, Blue-winged Teal and Common Gallinules (below).

Then just as we were leaving, Dee noticed a Purple Gallinule wandering along the water's edge. It was our first Purple Gallinule of the year and a good bird with which to say goodbye to High Island.


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