Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birding Tomball

This morning I drove up to Tomball to see if more fall/winter migrants had arrived with the latest cold front.

My first stop was at the Theis Attaway Nature Center, a small park on Theis road just off Highway 249. It can be a good birding site in late winter but it certainly wasn't good yesterday. In a 15-minute walk I didn't see or hear a single bird. Not one!

Part of the reason may be that the park was badly affected by Hurricane Ike. Many of the larger trees had fallen, including a beautiful heritage tree that used to stand proudly near the back of the site.

After this disappointing start, I went on to spend a short time in Spring Cypress Park, off Brown Road. The area around the Confederate powder mill site was fairly busy with common birds: Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Pileated Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers and American Crows.
The only vaguely unusual bird was a Wilson's Warbler, which hesitated just long enough for me to get a blurry photo.

So no new arrivals this weekend. Ah, well, maybe this next week will be more productive.


  1. It seems things are quiet all over these days. In my yard, at least, some goldfinches arrived overnight, so maybe things will get more interesting soon.

  2. Goldfinches? I've been waiting for them but haven't seen any yet. We had several Pine Warblers at the college today, though.
