Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ID Quiz Answers

Next to each photo I've put a comment or two about distinctive ID features of the bird.

1. Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow rump and yellow patches on sides of streaky breast.
2. Chipping Sparrow
Plain breast. Reddish crown, Dark eye-line with white/whiteish stripe above it.
3. American Goldfinch
Gray front with white under the tail. Two white/whiteish wing bars. Males have yellower head.
Note: In the breeding season (March-October), the birds are much yellower.
4. Sedge Wren
Streaky crown and strongly streaked back. Short tail often cocked.
5. Wilson's Warbler
Olive back, yellow front and distinctive yellow eye ring. Black cap on male.
6. Pine Warbler
Yellow front, usually with olive streaks. Two white wing bars. White lower belly and undertail coverts (not visible in this photo).
7. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Tiny (4.25"), with oval eye ring and white wing bar.
8. Orange-crowned Warbler
Grayish back and paler front, sometimes lightly streaked. Dark eye-line breaks eye ring. The yellow under the tail is distinctive.

9. Eastern Phoebe
Large, dark flycatcher head. Yellow belly.
10. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Big white wing bar. White barring on black or brown back. Adults have a red crown.
11. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Small (4.5"), bright blue-gray bird with white eye ring. Black tail with white edges is often cocked.
12. Savannah Sparrow
Streaky breast and white belly. Dark eye-line. Yellow on face above beak is distinctive.


  1. Beautiful pictures. Gorgeous birds.

  2. I'm happy with "some type of warbler" or even "little brown job".

    Thanks to your pictures, I do know how to recognize the ruby crowned kinglet.

  3. Hi, Isaac.
    I know what you mean! I see quite a few LBJ's, too.
    One reason I carry a camera is that it enables me to check ID's that I'm not sure of in the field.

  4. I do the same thing with butterflies.

    Your pictures also reminded me to buy a suet and sock feeder today when at Lowes.

  5. Hi, Isaac.
    If you're interested in butterflies, you might like my December 2007 blog showing a Rusty-tipped Page.
